Scientific Electronic Publications in Internet: models, standards and trends

Marcelo Sabbatini

Dissertação apresentada em cumprimento parcial às exigências do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicaçao Social da UMESP - Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, para obtençao do grau de Mestre


The work is consisted of an extensive state of the art review about scientific electronic publications in Internet, approaching the historical, technical, social and economical aspects of scientific journals in Internet involved in the transition from a print based scholarly publishing model to an electronic model an its corresponding implications to scientific community. Also are analyzed the trends of editorial and economical models, quality certification mechanisms and peer review, maintenance of scholarly legitimity, citation, indexing and storage systems and of interaction with digital libraries.

The main hurdles operating in the adoption of an electronic publicatoin system are discussed under the sociology of science and philosophy of technology points of view, leading to the conclusion that nowadays a transition moment is observed, where both models complement each other. Also are analized new possible publication models, with the creation of a continuum in the informational space created by Internet, characterized by fusion of the many substrates of scientific communication: the approximation of formal and informal channels of communication, generating a new speech form; indistinction between information retrieval mechanisms and information by itself and integration of scientific dissemination and divulgation, in a new communication product. Finally, some lines of action to be undertaken in Brazil and futurie lines of research in the field are proposed.

Key words: electronic publishing, scholarly publishing, Internet, economic models, copyright, peer review, digital citation, metadata, digital preservation, digital library, technological systems, paper, transition.
